Below is a sample of endorsers for Move the Nuclear Weapons Money campaign and their supporting quotes. They include artists, musicians, sports stars, parliamentarians, mayors, business people, youth, and other recognised civil society leaders from around the world including laureates of the Nobel Peace Prize, Right Livelihood Award and Nuclear Free Future Award.
– Roger Waters (Pink Floyd)
– Kehkashan Basu, World Future Council Youth Ambassador. Winner of the 2016 International Children’s Peace Prize

– Ela Gandhi, Founder of the Gandhi Development Trust, Grand-daughter of Mohandas Gandhi

– Peter Garrett, lead singer for Midnight Oil, environmentalist, activist and former politician

It would cost only $11 billion to provide the world with clean water. It would cost only $2 billion to prevent armed conflict worldwide over 10 years.
Five of the world’s six largest arms dealers are the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council; this explains why efforts to curb the arms trade have so far failed.
Their time is up. War – part of the human experience for centuries – is neither necessary nor inevitable. It is now clear that we have the experience, the knowledge and the tools to prevent and resolve conflict.
– Scilla Elworthy, Founder of Peace Direct and Co-founder of Rising Women, Rising World

– Baroness Sue Miller, Member of the UK House of Lords

– Dr. Michael D. Knox, Chair, US Peace Memorial Foundation

– Uta Zapf, Former Chair of the German Parliament Sub-committee on Disarmament and Arms Control

– Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford, Past Co-President of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

– Thore Vestby, Vice-President, Mayors for Peace

– Ana Maria Gomes, MEP, Subcommittee on Security and Defence, European Parliament

– Ellen Barfield, Vice President, Veterans for Peace

– Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute

– Eva Quistorp, Women for peace – Germany, former member of the European Parliament, House of the United Nations and Heinrich Böll Foundation.

– Dr. Ann Suellentrop , PeaceWorks and Physicians for Social Responsibility Kansas City (USA)

– Dr. Keith Suter, Foreign Affairs Editor, Sunrise Program Channel 7,
Chairperson of the International Humanitarian Law Committee of Australian Red Cross (NSW)

– Mairead Maguire , Nobel Peace Laureate (l976)

– Rosemarie Pace, Ed.D., Director, Pax Christi Metro New York

– Dr. David C Hall, MD, past president (1997), Physicians for Social Responsibility

– Betty A. Reardon , Founding Director, International Institute on Peace Education
Co-founder, Global Campaign for Peace Education

– Petra Bayr, MP, Chairwoman of the Development Policy Subcommittee, Executive Member of Parliamentarians for Global Action

– Bill McKibben, 350.org

– Sergio Duarte, President of Pugwash and Former UN Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs

– Nnimmo Bassey, Former Chair of Friends of the Earth International, Time magazine Hero of the Environment 2009

– Luisa Neubauer, Climate and youth acitivst

– Colin Archer, Secretary-General, International Peace Bureau (1991 – 2016)

With 10 trillion $, we could be providing water and toilets for the whole planet for 1000 years. The money is there and we need to shift the priorities right now.
– Nhat Vuong, Founder, Water Inception

– Ilya Kursenko, Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty Youth Group Member

Nuclear disarmament gives governments the financial freedom to tackle human security challenges that will define global politics in the twenty-first century.
– Curtis J. Raynold, Senior Advisor, The Hay Institute: Human Security in Practice. Former Secretary, UN Secretary General’s Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters

– Martin Vosseler, MD, Founder of PSR/IPPNW Switzerland, Co-founder of sun21

This is a scary new age of nuclear instability with cyberweapons that could attack nuclear control systems doubled with incompetent leaders of the world who have no regard for the future. We cannot afford another nuclear accident nor can we spend trillions on more nuclear weapons. Move The Nuclear Money is a much needed global campaign right now
– Tonya Pittman, JAG Model NYC

Count your blessings. Count the nuclear weapons money, with the hope that soon that kind of money may be used for human prosperity and survival, not annihilation.
Fact: On October 30, 2018, the UN Human Rights Committee adopted a new general comment No. 36 on article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), on the right to life, which concludes that the threat or use of nuclear weapons is ‘incompatible with respect for the right to life’ and ‘may amount to a crime under international law.
– Ambassador Libran N. Cabactulan, Philippines. President, 2010 NPT Review Conference

Nuclear armament is the opposite of security. Security means investing in education, in the fight against poverty and climate change. Billions of dollars are spent to produce nuclear weapons. Let’s make the world safer without them. We only have this one world.
– Christine Muttonen, PNND Co-President, Former President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE

– Rev. LeDayne McLeese Polaski, Executive Director, BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz

– Ibrahim Matola, Leader of the opposition United Democratic Front in the National Assembly of Malawi

I support moving money out of nuclear weapons and into environmental protection and peace as a matter of basic survival. Ideology and luxury have no room here. We do this or we die. The nuclear threat is as certain and urgent as the climate one and part of producing the climate one. Either we disarm or the arms eliminate us. It’s not a difficult choice.
– David Swanson, Executive Director, World BEYOND War, and Campaign Coordinator, Roots Action

– Rev. Andreas Alexander Nordvang-Sandvold Fosby, President, Oslo No to Nuclear Weapons, and member of the Norwegian Peace Council

My inspiration is Sr Megan Rice, aged 89, who has been arrested over 40 times and spent three years in jail, who says that as long as there is one nuclear weapon left in existence, none of us is safe. I owe it to my future grandchildren, and all of our future grandchildren, to do everything in my power to get rid of nukes forever. In New Zealand we lead the way, but we need to urge all our friends globally to do the same.
– Liz Remmerswaal, World BEYOND War Coordinator for New Zealand, journalist, activist, former politician

It is unconscionable that the U.S. and other nuclear-armed nations plan on spending trillions of dollars on weapons that can never be used again- and should never have been used in the first place. Nuclear weapons do not make us more safe. Investing in clean renewable energy, education, housing, food, and healthcare while fighting for social justice and human rights does.
– Emily Rubino, Director of Policy and Outreach, Peace Action New York State

Counting the Money should help people grasp just how huge the number a TRILLION is. Yet even this huge amount of money is a microscopic fraction of the damage nuclear war would wreak on the entire planet. These weapons have been acquired by most of the nuclear powers to keep the option of escalating to nuclear warfare — and even to launch a surprise first strike — “on the table.” For the most part these options have remained hidden beneath the popular perception of nuclear deterrence, Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), which only countenances in-kind retaliatory (second) use. This most be exposed to public scrutiny!
The long struggle for a nuclear weapon free world is in constant danger of being torpedoed by the explosion of nuclear weapons. Every nuclear power should, posthaste, declare “It is the policy of [the nation] never to use nuclear weapons first.” Resolutions gathering cosponsors in the US Congress, say exactly that. China and India have long said so. What do you say?
– Aaron Tovish, Executive Director, Zona Libre

We agree with Pope Francis who said of nuclear weapons that ‘The threat of their use as well as their very possession is to be firmly condemned’. We are working for a world entirely free of nuclear weapons and the fear and suspicion they spread.
– Theresa Alessandro, Director, Pax Christi UK

Easiest choice is between hope and despair, right and wrong – a world of peace and development or nuclear weapons and mutually assured destruction – yes to life, no to nukes. Moving The Nuclear Weapons Money is about making our choice count.
– Saber Chowdhury MP., Honorary President, Inter-Parliamentary Union

“We conclude that biology does not condemn humanity to war, —-just as wars begin in the minds of men, peace also begins in our minds. The same species who invented war is capable of inventing peace.The responsibility lies with each one of us.” (UNESCO, 1989)
– Bruce Kent, President, Movement for the Abolition of War

Resources which are needed to avert climate disaster are being squandered on a nuclear arms race which threatens human survival. Reason and human decency call on us to end this madness.
– Guy Quinlan, President of the Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, Chair of the All Souls Nuclear Disarmament Task Force

If we can allocate just 5% of the nuclear weapons budget, this money could be spent to bring electricity from renewable sources to 1 billion people, and to install improved cooking systems for 3 billion people. This would drastically cut the use of kerosene, reduce carbon emissions, protect family health and the environment, and build sustainable peace.
– Dipal C. Barua, Councilor, World Future Council (WFC), Co-Founder, Grameen Bank Bangladesh, Founding Managing Director, Grameen Shakti, Bangladesh, Founder and Chairman, Bright Green Energy Foundation (BGEF)

How we treat each other is what elevates us, it makes us human. Tell your lawmakers that nuclear expending is not only insane, it’s illegal without YOUR consent as citizens and taxpayers–remember they are answerable to YOU. I therefore urge you to exercise your power by taking up the actions set out in the Move the Nuclear Weapons Money Campaign so that WE can move the money towards our shared humanity where everyone prospers.
– Renu Mehta, Fortune Forum Charity and Real Aid Campaign founder, Disparity filmmaker and Tiger Tim creator

In a world with standing armies, cruise missiles and nuclear submarines ready for warfare, eliminating nuclear weapons can not only diffuse tensions, result in less violence and wars, but also in saving trillions of dollars in military spending which governments can utilise for job creation, healthcare, education, poverty reduction and sustainable peace building.
– Vijay Mehta, Author, Chair, Uniting for Peace, Founding Trustee, Fortune Forum Charity

Nuclear weapons are a crime against humanity. It is the responsibility of every human being to say no to nukes and yes to peace.
– Mayeen Uddin Khan Badal MP, PNND Bangladesh Chair

The production of nuclear weapons poses a burden and a threat for the young. No country has the right to ruin the world for future generations.
– Abul Kalam Azad MP, PNND Bangladesh Joint Convenor. Former Bangladesh Minister of Information

People create and sell weapons for two reasons: to make themselves safer, and make themselves richer. Since it actually makes everyone less safe, so let’s make it unprofitable too.
– Metta Spencer, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University of Toronto and Editor, Peace Magazine

I fully endorse the cause for moving nuclear money towards more important issues like global health, education and women and refugee empowerment.
– Hon Hedy Fry, P.C. MP, (Canada) Special Representative on Gender Issues for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)