Actions you can take to help
Move the Nuclear Weapons Money

Count the Nuclear Weapons Money
Join mayors, parliamentarians, artists, sportspeople, religious leaders, musicians, peace and social justice activists, youth and others in New York in 2019 to Count the Nuclear Weapons Money.
Over seven days and nights we will count out $1 trillion (in one million notes each of $1million value) – which is the nuclear weapons budget for the next 10 years. While counting, we will highlight what this money could instead cover.
The main counting of the nuclear weapons money will take place from October 24-30, 2019 in various locations in Manhattan, New York. Shorter ‘satellite’ countings will be held in a number of other countries.
Click here for further information and to join the counting.
Help cut nuclear weapons budgets
- Encourage your parliaments to adopt parliamentary resolutions similar to the Bangladesh parliament resolution calling on a reduction in nuclear weapons spending to help fund the Sustainable Development Goals;
- Call on the Security Council to hold a special session on implementation of Article 26 of the UN Charter, which obliges the Council to adopt a disarmament plan in order to release resources for economic and social need.
- Invite your religious leader, mayor and/or parliamentarian to endorse ‘A Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: Our Common Good’ which calls on governments to reallocate the $100 billion annual nuclear weapons budget to instead help reverse climate change, eliminate poverty and address other social and economic needs;
- Take action during the Global Days of Action on Military Spending to highlight nuclear weapons budgets and promote the Move the Nuclear Weapons Money campaign.
United Kingdom
- Sign the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament petition to cancel the replacement of the Trident nuclear weapons system.
United States
- Call on your legislator to support the Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditure (SANE) Act, introduced into the U.S. Senate by Senator Ed Markey and into the Senate and into the U.S. House of Reps by Congressman Earl Blumenauer.
All nuclear-armed States
- Call on your government to reduce their nuclear-weapons budgets and reallocate these funds to economic, environmental and social need.
Nuclear weapons divestment
We can reverse their power by ensuring that our countries, states, cities, banks, universities and other institutions end any investments they might have in these corporations.
see Nuclear Divestment.
Churches, universities and other institutions
TIP: Divest also from fossil fuels
Join the campaign
Contact us to join the Move the Nuclear Weapons Money campaign.
Keep informed about actions and events.