New York City hearings pave the way for nuclear weapons divestment

New York City hearings pave the way for nuclear weapons divestment

On Tuesday last week (January 28), New York City Council held public hearings on two measures (draft Resolution 0976 and Initiative 1621) which if adopted would oblige the city to divest its city pension funds from the nuclear weapons industry and establish an...
Three Scottish cities adopt nuclear weapons divestment policies

Three Scottish cities adopt nuclear weapons divestment policies

[Cover photo: HMS Victorius in the Firth of Clyde]. Clyde Naval Base in Faslane, Scotland, is home-base for the UK nuclear weapons fleet (nuclear armed submarines). The Scottish parliament, government and the majority of Scottish people are opposed to this. Now a new...
Meet the nuclear weapons money counters – and how much they counted

Meet the nuclear weapons money counters – and how much they counted

Meet the key individuals and organisations who counted out $542 billion in nuclear weapons money during UN disarmament week (Oct 24-30), and symbolically reallocated this to climate protection, poverty alleviation and the Sustainable Development Goals. Most of the...
Over $500 billion of nuke money counted – and shifted to SDGs

Over $500 billion of nuke money counted – and shifted to SDGs

From Thursday October 24 (UN Day) to Wednesday October 30, a team of volunteers in New York City counted out $542 billion – the approximate global nuclear weapons budget for the next five years – and symbolically reallocated this to climate protection, poverty...
Nuke money counted outside NY office of nuclear weapons contractor

Nuke money counted outside NY office of nuclear weapons contractor

Volunteers from Count the Nuclear Weapons Money, Peace Accelerators and Code Pink organized a money counting action yesterday outside the New York office of nuclear weapons contractor Jacobs Engineering. According to research by the Norwegian Council on Ethics,...