We are deeply saddened by the death of Dr Martin Vossler, a supporter of Move the Nuclear Weapons Money, hero for the environment and one of the kindest people to have walked on this earth.

Dr Vossler was a full-time advocate for peace, disarmament and sustainability. He was co-founder of Swiss Physicians for Social Responsibility, which focuses on ending nuclear energy and nuclear weapons, and he was co-founder of Sun 21 which promotes renewable energy particularly in the transport sector. Dr Vossler travelled around the world on foot, bicycle and other non-fossil-fuel forms of transport to promote healthy lifestyles and renewable energy.

From 16 October 2006 to 8 May 2007 Dr Vosseler and his crew made history by completing the first trans-atlantic crossing using solar power.

Dr Vosseler died on 23 October 2019 after he was struck by a truck while bicycling in his hometown of Basel. He was 71 years old. We extend our sympathies and condolences to family and friends of Dr Vossler.

Dr Vossler may have passed on, but his inspiration, positive example and legacy for the planet will continue. Click here for a moving presentation by Dr Vossler about walking across the earth and sailing with solar power to Keep our Planet Intact.